The Declaration of Independence from Religion
Nick Olson
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the elite to dissolve the ethical bands which have impeded them from progression, and to assume among the powers of science, the separate and unequal stations to which the Laws of Science ordain men and women, superciliousness and self-vindication require that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that men and women have evolved separate and unequal, in varying levels of superiority and inferiority, that God, who retards ethical and social evolution, is dead, both demographically and existentially, that whenever any form of religion or obscurantist faction rejects these truths, it is the right of the elite to cleanse society and institute such a progression that lays its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to science s
hall seem most likely to effect their Sexual Freedom and Pleasure. When a long train of abuses and usurpations evinces a design to reduce these truths under absolute Superstition, it is their right–it is their duty to throw off such ethical shackles, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such is now the necessity that constrains us to cleanse our former systems of religion and ethical limitations. The history of present religions, particularly of the Christian Church, is a history of repeated irrationalities, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Moral tyranny over ethical freedom. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Religion has refused to submit to the Sciences, the most wholesome and necessary discipline of the public good.
Religion has imposed upon society innumerable strictures of such a senseless and meaningless nature that they not only forestall societal progression but also directly suppress it. Such strictures include religious observances and practices, prayer, and church services.
Religion has repeatedly instigated war and civil strife over matters of inconsequential inanity, including the crusades, the French wars of religion, the thirty years’ war, the Inquisition, the Cristero War, the 9/11 attacks, and the current war on terror.
Religion has impeded sexual freedom, confining sexual expression to one orifice and two people of distinct sex, repressing the libido, the consummate source of man’s happiness. Particularly, religion has oppressed and condoned the oppression of homosexual love and affection, inventing grandiose assertions that sexuality is such an action in such a form so as to have merely one proper way of performance. Additionally, religion has put forth unfounded admonishments of fornicators and adulterers, who are performing in perfect accordance with nearly every other species in nature. Religion has betrayed man’s happiness by reprimanding nearly all forms of sexual expression, including, but not limited to masturbation, homosexuality, bisexuality, trisexuality, incest, consensual pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia.
Religion has not only acquiesced to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, but has castigated birth control and sexual protection, spreading sexual ignorance, indirectly causing such plagues to proliferate through society, most notably the sexually transmitted disease that is the unwanted fetus.
Religion forbids the abortion of fetuses, which either have such insignificant nervous systems such that negligible pain is caused them, or they have sufficient brain capacity to realize the benefit of not being born into this world. In forbidding abortions, religion has caused mental, financial, and emotional strife of countless victims and encouraged the proliferation of the inferior.
Religion has demonized the pleasure of self-indulgence, as exhibited in its rebuke of sexual license, gluttony, and any other appetitive fulfillment.
Religion has extolled the enervation of the body with bodily neglect, flagellation, starvation, and other forms of wanton self-destruction.
Religion, particularly Christianity, has distorted the most fundamental tenets of society, praising the Everyman and scorning the magnanimous, rewarding the lowly psychologically and economically but condemning the superior, and inverting the natural scientific law of evolution which rightly favors the mighty and scorns the lowly. This inversion of principles that coerces the superior into subservience to others manifests its offenses politically, economically, and most heinously, ethically.
Nick Olson
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the elite to dissolve the ethical bands which have impeded them from progression, and to assume among the powers of science, the separate and unequal stations to which the Laws of Science ordain men and women, superciliousness and self-vindication require that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that men and women have evolved separate and unequal, in varying levels of superiority and inferiority, that God, who retards ethical and social evolution, is dead, both demographically and existentially, that whenever any form of religion or obscurantist faction rejects these truths, it is the right of the elite to cleanse society and institute such a progression that lays its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to science s

Religion has refused to submit to the Sciences, the most wholesome and necessary discipline of the public good.
Religion has imposed upon society innumerable strictures of such a senseless and meaningless nature that they not only forestall societal progression but also directly suppress it. Such strictures include religious observances and practices, prayer, and church services.
Religion has repeatedly instigated war and civil strife over matters of inconsequential inanity, including the crusades, the French wars of religion, the thirty years’ war, the Inquisition, the Cristero War, the 9/11 attacks, and the current war on terror.
Religion has impeded sexual freedom, confining sexual expression to one orifice and two people of distinct sex, repressing the libido, the consummate source of man’s happiness. Particularly, religion has oppressed and condoned the oppression of homosexual love and affection, inventing grandiose assertions that sexuality is such an action in such a form so as to have merely one proper way of performance. Additionally, religion has put forth unfounded admonishments of fornicators and adulterers, who are performing in perfect accordance with nearly every other species in nature. Religion has betrayed man’s happiness by reprimanding nearly all forms of sexual expression, including, but not limited to masturbation, homosexuality, bisexuality, trisexuality, incest, consensual pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia.
Religion has not only acquiesced to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, but has castigated birth control and sexual protection, spreading sexual ignorance, indirectly causing such plagues to proliferate through society, most notably the sexually transmitted disease that is the unwanted fetus.
Religion forbids the abortion of fetuses, which either have such insignificant nervous systems such that negligible pain is caused them, or they have sufficient brain capacity to realize the benefit of not being born into this world. In forbidding abortions, religion has caused mental, financial, and emotional strife of countless victims and encouraged the proliferation of the inferior.
Religion has demonized the pleasure of self-indulgence, as exhibited in its rebuke of sexual license, gluttony, and any other appetitive fulfillment.
Religion has extolled the enervation of the body with bodily neglect, flagellation, starvation, and other forms of wanton self-destruction.
Religion, particularly Christianity, has distorted the most fundamental tenets of society, praising the Everyman and scorning the magnanimous, rewarding the lowly psychologically and economically but condemning the superior, and inverting the natural scientific law of evolution which rightly favors the mighty and scorns the lowly. This inversion of principles that coerces the superior into subservience to others manifests its offenses politically, economically, and most heinously, ethically.

Religion has obstructed the progression of science, stymieing advances ranging from astronomy to medical advances, opposing the blessings of stem cell therapy, cloning, and psychiatry.
Religion has made demands of society to waste its resources and capabilities on the elderly, who are a financial, economical, and emotional burden upon society.
Religion has repeatedly endangered humanity, subjecting it to care for criminals unfit for society and undeserving of human life.
Religion has anathematized the virtue of pride and extolled humility, reducing man to a pusillanimous state of impotence.
Religion has proscribed excessive use of certain narcotics, which allow for an ecstasy greater than anything offered by religion.
Most grossly, religion has instituted the outrageous idea of human equality, which has been falsified both by the principles of evolution and by demographics. The consequences of such atrocious equality include the demotion of superiority to the limits of inferiority, the proliferation of incompetence and ineptitude, and the abolition of slavery. As evinced by distinctive racial characteristics and by the scarcity of miscegenation, different races constitute different subspecies of humans. Given that the average intelligence quotient of an African is fifteen to thirty points below that of a European, and given that the average European exhibits five inches greater cranial capacity than Africans, the inferiority of certain races and certain peoples is clearly demonstrated. In light of this evidence, slavery is to be hereby reinstituted; certain persons are to be cleansed so as to promote the greater evolutionary good of society, including, but not limited to the mentally disabled, the crippled, the unintelligent, the unattractive, the sickly, and the elderly.
Religion has audaciously insisted on the veracity of its ethics, despite its utter lack of societal or scientific substantiation.
Religion has promoted obscurantism in such a fashion that those who antagonize our progression vehemently object to our societal ideals despite their inability to refute the benefits of societal progression.
In every stage of these offenses we have exhorted religion to redress; our repeated exhortations have been answered only by repeated injury.
We, therefore, the representatives of the intellectually and morally elite, appealing to the unerring hand of Science, do, in the name and by the authority of our established natural superiority, solemnly publish and declare that mankind is and ought to be free of his former ethical limitations, that he is absolved from all allegiance to religion, and that as free and independent, we hereby maintain to abolish all religion and religious thought, to institute eugenics so as to cleanse mankind of the inferior for the greater evolutionary good of mankind, to reinstitute slavery so as to give a proper place to inferior races, to establish consummate sexual license, and to enable men and women to live in total freedom, so as to herald the start of a new age, and with it, a new man, free from religious or ethical inhibition, in the fullness of pleasure, and thus to bring about the resolution, fruition, and consummation of mankind, in accordance with evolution and sacred Science.
1 comment:
I think you ought to take your good looking rock band on the road! Seriously, with that much hair there must be a platinum album somewhere in there.
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